Delivery Terms
Delivery Terms & Conditions
Products and services will be dispatched at the earliest opportunity; once we are satisfied of the full payment has been received.
Where a product item/s are ex stock, arrangements to be dispatch the products will be within 24 hours, by our standard couriers service, with delivery up to 5 working days.
Customers will only be informed of the ‘status’ of any product order/s by email only.
Where product item/s are out of stock, the customer will be informed at earliest opportunity, and information on the current status of such product item/s, and the likely earliest dispatch date.
Multi product items over £150.00 may qualify for a free or discounter delivery charge.
Should a product item/s be found to be not available, a full payment refund will be forwarded for any payment/s made on that product.
Should any product item/s found not to be delivered, or found defective, or found damage on delivery, a full payment refund will be available, or a replacement product ‘like for like’ item. We will arrange for the product item to be collected, and on us receiving back the returned product item, in the original packaging, we will dispatch a ‘like for like’ product item/s, or offer a full customer refund of any payment/s made .
Product status indicates the current position of the product item/s
Discontinued = (the stock item is not available)
Out Of Stock = (well currently have no stock, we are awaiting delivery of stock item)
Pending = (awaiting payment confirmation, arranging documentation)
Picking = (collating and packing the product item/s and awaiting collection by courier company)
Dispatched = (product item/s has been pick up by our courier company)
For delivery = (the earliest date of delivery)
Standard Delivery = items shipped (5-7 business days):
Economy delivery = items shipped (up to 14 business days):
Free Local Delivery = items shipped free of charge to address within 5 miles of Post Code CO15:
Free Delivery = items shipped free of charge:
Local Pick up = Customer picks up from our address at Post Code CO15:
Any goods received by the customer that have suffered damage in transit must be reported to the vendor as soon as possible, and at the latest within 7 days of receiving the goods. The vendor will collect damaged goods from the customer and deliver replacement goods as quickly as possible at its own expense. The vendor will not accept any responsibility for goods damaged in transit if the customer reports the damage more than 7 days after receiving the goods.